Tuesday, September 23, 2008

WT lost his 1st Tooth!

Tonight after supper WT came up to show Shad that his tooth (that had been loose for the last few weeks) was REALLY loose! Well, after some pulling and ALOT of crying and slobering Shad pulled WT's 1st tooth! After he pulled it out WT was so excited! He said, "Hey, that didn't hurt bad!" So, now after Kindergarten AND a lost tooth, I think I may be finally realizing that my baby is really growing up!! Now, I have to go and find some change for the Tooth Fairy money! How much are teeth going for now these days? Back when I was little you were doing good to get .50 cents or so.....but with inflation..... I'm not so sure .50 is going to cut it!!
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The Marlin's said...

Well for the first tooth. JL got 5 dollars!! I know it is rediculous but we explained that it was only for the 1st tooth and to not expect that much the next time. He only got a dollar the next time!! It is so sad when they start growing up like that!!

mrsgriff said...

TARA!!! I can't believe WT is old enough to be losing a tooth!! Where does time go!! Hope you're doing well... miss seeing you!!!